On Wednesday 14 November 2007 03:45:07 pm Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
> > Impressive ;-) My main machine (with an Athlon XP @ 2GHz) takes ~2
> > hours to build kernel and world (I use a script to do that). My
> > other box is running -CURRENT and takes ~11 hours to build kernel
> > and world (Celeron 500...).
> >
> > Just to supply some numbers that "go the other direction" :-)
> With no -j and running gnome and doing other things in the foreground
> (watching a avi) 1 hr 3 mins on a e6850 w/ 4 gig (amd64)

p4 540 3.2GHz, 1GB ram:

>>> World build completed on Thu Nov 15 19:15:05 CST 2007

real    63m8.635s
user    102m44.096s
sys     10m44.889s
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/src]#

heh, i have appropriately renamed the thread.  :)  with -j 8

Jonathan Horne
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