
I have installed Tomcat 5.5.23_1 on FreeBSD 6.2. I have used Servlets a lot in the past but have not used ant. I am now trying to get this development environment to work. Following the basic portinstall of Tomcat on FreeBSD I did the following:

1. sudo cp /usr/local/tomcat5.5/server/lib/catalina-ant.jar /usr/local/share/java/apache-ant/lib

2.  Made a sample project

3.  set manager url in build.xml
<property name="manager.url"   value="http://localhost:8180/manager"/>

4.  Chnage permissions in tomcat

cd /usr/local/tomcat5.5]
sudo chown -R www webapps

Once this was done I was able to compile the project and install it using:

ant install

I did notice that it created a new directory in webapps with the new application. So far so good. If I try to install it again I get an error stating that it is already installed. Again, so far so good.

The problem that I have is if I make changes to the project and reload the application using

ant reload

I get the following output:
   [reload] OK - Reloaded application at context path /hello

This looks ok. However, when I run it, the changes to the project do not show up. If I look into the directory under webapps, the changes have not been moved over. I have to manually copy the contents from my build to webapps under tomcat.

What I am doing wrong. I am sure that it is someting simple but do not seem to figure it out.


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