I decided to give cvsupd a try to make my upgrading a bit more efficient and bandwidth 
friendly.  I read the manual page chose a local server [local3], cvsup-ed, updated the 
repository, built world, kernel, etc.  All with no problems.  I started cvsupd on the 
machine with the following options:

cvsupd -b /usr/local/etc/cvsup -c sup -s sup -C 3 & 

I went to one of the machines that I wanted to update and started cvsup and got Server 
message: unknow collection "src-all" and all others and a message that said it was 
skipping the colections, ended by a message that stated that it had finished 

It actually updated nothing.  I've used cvsup as a client for years with no problem.  
From the manual page it seemed very straight forward and simple but somehow I've 
managed to screw it up.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



P.D. I'm running current.  I've got the same configuration for cvs-supfile on both 
machines except for the server that I changed for freebsd to local3.  Both machined 
were update from freebsd yesterday with no problem.

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