RE: script entry to finding the version after a cvsup

2004-06-02 Thread Paul Hamilton
Hi Kent,

Thanks for that tip off. After lots of digging around in google, I found
this site:

that mentions how to use script:

grep -E 'BRANCH|REVISION' /usr/src/sys/conf/




-Original Message-
From: Kent Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 2 June 2004 1:09 AM
Cc: Paul Hamilton
Subject: Re: script entry to finding the version after a cvsup

On Tuesday 01 June 2004 06:55 am, Paul Hamilton wrote:
> Hi,
> I have written a basic script to cvsup, buildworld and install the
> new kernel-world etc.  I have introduced some basic logging, so I can
> track the time taken.  Now I would like to track the version it was
> before the upgrade (ie. uname -r ), and what it is after the upgrade.
>  Now, I can't use uname -r, because the server has to be restarted so
> it can pick up the new kernel etc.
> So my question is,  where can I find a entry in the downloaded
> kernel/world source files that says that it is FreeBSD 4.9 p9 etc.  I
> can't use stable-supfile, because it only records the 'branch' that
> is being upgraded, not the full version.
> Any clues?

Look at


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Re: script entry to finding the version after a cvsup

2004-06-01 Thread Kent Stewart
On Tuesday 01 June 2004 06:55 am, Paul Hamilton wrote:
> Hi,
> I have written a basic script to cvsup, buildworld and install the
> new kernel-world etc.  I have introduced some basic logging, so I can
> track the time taken.  Now I would like to track the version it was
> before the upgrade (ie. uname -r ), and what it is after the upgrade.
>  Now, I can't use uname -r, because the server has to be restarted so
> it can pick up the new kernel etc.
> So my question is,  where can I find a entry in the downloaded
> kernel/world source files that says that it is FreeBSD 4.9 p9 etc.  I
> can't use stable-supfile, because it only records the 'branch' that
> is being upgraded, not the full version.
> Any clues?

Look at


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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script entry to finding the version after a cvsup

2004-06-01 Thread Paul Hamilton

I have written a basic script to cvsup, buildworld and install the new
kernel-world etc.  I have introduced some basic logging, so I can track the
time taken.  Now I would like to track the version it was before the upgrade
(ie. uname -r ), and what it is after the upgrade.  Now, I can't use
uname -r, because the server has to be restarted so it can pick up the new
kernel etc.

So my question is,  where can I find a entry in the downloaded kernel/world
source files that says that it is FreeBSD 4.9 p9 etc.  I can't use
stable-supfile, because it only records the 'branch' that is being upgraded,
not the full version.

Any clues?


Paul Hamilton

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