Hello, fellow gemstone addicts!

I'm very passionate about using Ruby, and I'd like to add my efforts
to those of you who are already involved in getting our ruby ports
updated to 2.7.1 in preparation for Matz' focus on the 3.0 major
release. We're already behind in that many of the ancillary ports are
still built with 2.6. my understanding is that there will not be a 2.8
release, so if we collaborate to make the transition from 2.6-based
ports to 2,7.x that will be stable (and supported by upstream) for a

I have not yet done port work yet except as a user, and it's been a
long (!) time since I've been an active FreeBSD user so I'm still
(re-)learning a lot of things about the basics, but I'm going to
commit time this week to absorb the Porter's Handbook.

Beyond that, where can I help?

Personally, I use Ruby as both my favorite console scripting language
and also in Sinatra and (sometimes) RoR systems.

Don Wilde
* What is the Internet of Things but a system *
* of systems including humans?                     *
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