I know this has been discussed prior to my recent posting.

On two boxes running FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE with AMI BIOS neither
thermal-zones nor fan speed information is provided as OID (looking at
this via sysctl hw.acpi).
One box is a ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe, most recent (AMI-) BIOS 1205,
running FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE/AMD64 (no 32Bit compatibility) as built with
the most recent FreeBSD 6.1-code available via CVS.
The other box is at my lab a ASUS P4P800 i386 box, quite old compared to
the AMD64 box, but also equipted with an AMI BIOS. This box also does
not show any thermal zones and/or fand speed information via ACPI as it
should expected due to its age.

I had another AMD64 box, based on ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe, with AWARD BIOS
and there I saw theraml zones and fan speed informations via sysctl,
mbmon/xmbmon was useable on that board, while this tool isn't on the
above first mentioned.

What is the difference between these BIOSes in handling these
health-important informations and why are these infos aren't accessible
in FreeBSD?

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