Hi all

I come again for my network problem.

After I make this changement :

        The patch
        a kernel without USB.
        a kernel in no-SMP mode (the server is SMP).

I don't have em* watchdog on the console.

But my other problem still here :

        After someday the client cannot connect on rpcbind on server.

        If I restart rpcbind there are very strange thing : the daemon
        running, with sockstat -l or lsof we can see the rpcbind listen on
        correct ports and correct interface (all) but when a client want to
        connect to server on rpcbind port we got 

                Connection attempt to TCP server_ip_add:111 from 
client_ip_add:40396 flags:0x02
        at this point we can nothing. Only reboot can solve the problem.


Albert SHIH
Universite de Paris 7 (Denis DIDEROT)
U.F.R. de Mathematiques.
7 ième étage, plateau D, bureau 10
Tel      : 01 44 27 86 88
FAX      : 01 44 27 69 35
GSM(UFR) : 06 85 05 58 43
Heure local/Local time:
Mon Oct 23 18:11:36 CEST 2006
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