Hi all,
 in the meantime I did some tests and found the following:

A. The Problem:
On a single CPU, there are -exactly- two processes runnable:
One is doing mostly compute without I/O - this can be a compressing job or similar; in the tests I used simply an endless-loop. Lets call this the "piglet".
The other is doing frequent file reads, but also some compute interim -
this can be a backup job traversing the FS, or a postgres VACUUM, or some fast compressor like lz4. Lets call this the "worker".

It then happens that the piglet gets 99% CPU, while the worker gets only 0.5% CPU and makes nearly no progress at all.

Investigations shows that the worker makes precisely one I/O per timeslice (timeslice as defined in kern.sched.quantum) - or two I/O on a mirrored ZFS.

B. Findings:
1. Filesystem

I could never reproduce this when reading from plain UFS. Only when reading from ZFS (direct or via l2arc).

2. Machine

The problem originally appeared on a pentium3@1GHz. I was able to reproduce it on an i5-3570T, given the following measures:
 * config in BIOS to use only one CPU
 * reduce speed: "dev.cpu.0.freq=200"
I did see the problem also when running full speed (which means it happens there also), but could not reproduce it well.

3. kern.sched.preempt_thresh

I could make the problem disappear by changing kern.sched.preempt_thresh from the default 80 to either 11 (i5-3570T) or 7 (p3) or smaller. This seems to correspond to the disk interrupt threads, which run at intr:12 (i5-3570T) or intr:8 (p3).

4. dynamic behaviour

Here the piglet is already running as PID=2119. Then we can watch the dynamic behaviour as follows (on i5-3570T@200MHz):

a. with kern.sched.preempt_thresh=80

$ lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null & while true; do ps -o pid,pri,"%cpu",command -p 2119,$! sleep 3 done [1] 6073 PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 6073 20 0.0 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 100 91.0 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 6073 76 15.0 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 95 74.5 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 6073 52 19.0 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 94 71.5 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 6073 52 16.0 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 95 76.5 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 6073 52 14.0 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 96 80.0 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 6073 52 12.5 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 96 82.5 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 6073 74 10.0 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 98 86.5 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 6073 52 8.0 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 98 89.0 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 6073 52 7.0 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 98 90.5 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 6073 52 6.5 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null
2119  99 91.5 -bash (bash)

b. with kern.sched.preempt_thresh=11

PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 4920 21 0.0 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 101 93.5 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 4920 78 20.0 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 94 70.5 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 4920 82 34.5 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 88 54.0 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 4920 85 42.5 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 86 45.0 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 4920 85 43.5 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 86 44.5 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 4920 85 43.0 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null 2119 85 45.0 -bash (bash) PID PRI %CPU COMMAND 4920 85 43.0 lz4 DATABASE_TEST_FILE /dev/null
2119  85 45.5 -bash (bash)

From this we can see that in case b. both processes balance out nicely and meet at equal CPU shares. Whereas in case a., after about 10 Seconds (the first 3 records) they move to opposite ends of the scale and stay there.

From this I might suppose that here is some kind of mis-calculation or mis-adjustment of the task priorities happening.

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