On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 10:06:11AM +0000, Tarquin McDowell wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 09:47:39AM +0100, Stijn Hoop wrote:
> > Anyone getting any better results? Is there something I can do to fix
> > this? The drivers are of no use to me if they are this unreliable.
> > More info available on request, of course.
> I had a problem on my Gforcce 2MX400 where the first GL app I ran would be ok,
> but running any GL apps after that would cause a core dump (and sometimes a
> hard lock of the machine). A problem I noticed, though, was that
> sysctl -a | grep nv was showing a selected AGP rate of x4. I was able to
> change that value to x1 by making a change as documented on the Nvidia
> FreeBSD FAQ page:
> "Try lowering your AGP rate in the BIOS or nvidia_os_registry.c. If you want
> to use nvidia_os_registry.c to do this, find the line that reads 
> { "ReqAGPRate", "Force AGP Rate", 4, 0 }, and change the last 0 to 1. Now you
> will be able to set the sysctl hw.nvidia.registry.ReqAGPRate to the value of
> the desired AGP rate. You will of course need to rebuild/reinstall/reload the
> kernel driver before attempting to set the sysctl."
> This fixed all my problems -- the driver seems to be very stable now.

Yes, that's it! Thanks for the pointer, this solved all the coredumps!

a happy


Q: Why is Batman better than Bill Gates?
A: Batman was able to beat the Penguin.

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