I've been doing some more work to get to the bottom of why my synth
upgrade-system stalled.

Here's the pertinent line, though the whole operation's result is attached.

print/tex-dvipsk scan aborted because a circular dependency on
print/tex-dvipsk was detected.

If I understand this it means that two different programs require two
_different_ versions of the tex-dvipsk program to be installed.
Correct? At this point, it seems to be beyond a 'how did I get here'
situation, it's a 'discover which programs cause it' situation.

Iterating through the list of installed packages to see where two
different packages depend on different versions of tex-dvipsk. That is
the only possible reason for such a dependency, yes?

Don Wilde
* What is the Internet of Things but a system *
* of systems including humans?                     *
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