On 06/01/2021 15:47, Ulrich Spörlein wrote:
That's not entirely correct. The packfile will only be rewritten if
a) enough other stuff has accumulated
b) you force a repack.

You are fighting against git's GC mechanism a bit here, but you can still make it work. On your source of truth host, do the following:

1. git gc --aggressive
2. look at .git/objects/pack, there should be a single big pack
3. touch .git/objects/pack/pack-<whateverhash>.keep  (or was it .pack.keep?)
4. rsync --del to all other hosts

Now future git gc runs will not delete that big pack, you'll only get churn in the new, much smaller, packs.

I missed seeing this until now, sorry, but thankyou! This is excellent, and looks like a much better solution - or at least one which lets me know 100% that I have percisely the same files on each machine. I will gve this a try next time I need to do an update.


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