On Thu, 31 May 2018 15:37:46 +0100
tech-lists <tech-li...@zyxst.net> wrote:

> Hello lists,
> context: 11.2-PRERELEASE #0 r333458 / ports r471194
> with xpdf I get the following error:
> Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50904) with this
> library (version 0x50a01),Abort (core dumped)
> I seem to have both qt4-4.8.7 and qt5-5.10.1 installed. I didn't
> install these directly though, seems they've been installed as
> dependencies of other ports. I'm using MATE desktop.
> I've tried reinstalling xfdf via pkg and the port with the same
> result. Is this a known problem/how can I fix? Have found no fix yet
> from GIS, most seem to point to deleting and reinstalling everything.
> thanks,

I just fixed this a few week or two ago on my system.  The problem is
you have difference version numbers within the qt5 library, not having
qt4 and qt5.

I ended up having to rebuild everything single qt5 library installed on
my system...pretty painful.

Here is the text of a reply to me from Mark Mollering, that help me to
track things down. Good Luck!

Wow, I literally just finished fixing this with Lumina

I did a pkg info | more and noticed that, even though I upgraded the qt5
[meta] version, there are some qt5 libraries that do not, automatically,
upgrade.  I then did a manual pkg upgrade qt5-[package]  I know i had
to do dbus, x11extras, svg, and a number of others.  I just kept at it,
until they were all upgraded to the same release.

For Lumina, specifically,  I had to do a pkg delete of all of the
packages for it (such as lumina-core, etc)  I then did a pkg clean -a
(not sure if that was necessary) and pkg install.  Finally, it was back
to normal.



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