Dear Colleagues,

The shutdown of vm-bhyve (and probably other bhyve-based VM managers) is
commanded by "service vm shutdown." From man init(8) I've learned that
"if the /etc/rc.shutdown does not terminate within 120 seconds, init will
terminate it.  The timeout can be configured via the sysctl variable

Does that mean that any VM is supposed to shut down within 2 minutes in
a default FreeBSD host system (in reality probably even less), or else
the bhyve process will be mercilessly killed? 

This is completely unsuitable for Windows guests who may take a
considerable longer time to shutdown. Even in my FreeBSD guests I
occasionally find the message that "root was not properly dismounted."

Can something be done about this? What about CBSD, FreeNAS and other
more specialized FreeBSD-based systems, what do they do about VM

Or I may be assuming incorrectly about the 2 minutes timeout. Please
correct me then.

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN

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