On Wed, 23 Apr 2014 17:34:30 +0000 (UTC)
Miguel Clara <miguelmcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Looking to do the same...
> I have a laptop with dual graphics, Its one of those with Intel i7 CPU + 
> Integrated Graphics but also ships with a AMD dedicated card!
> I cannot use the AMD card successfully with KMS anyway, and I would prefer 
> to pass the card to a Winodows/Linux VM.
> Is there any work on this in FreeBSD's Vbox port?
> Thanks 

VirtualBox can't do that.
If you need only GNU/Linux VMs you can use bhyve with PCI Forwarding ( see
https://wiki.freebsd.org/bhyve/pci_passthru ). Otherwise, I think you'll have
to resort to Xen or VMWare ESXi (or eventually Microsoft's VirtualPC).

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