
booting Windows 10 DVD ISO in a bhyve VM generates an abort trap:
Failed to emulate instruction [0x4c 0x8b 0x3c 0xc8 0x41 0x39 0x7f 0x08 
0x76 0x5f 0x49 0x8b 0x0f 0x44 0x8b] at 0x10009bc1
Abort trap (core dumped)

Host-CPU: Core i5 6200U (Skylake)
OS: FreeBSD 11.0-BETA3 #12 r303475M

Windows probably tries to access some fancy Skylake features. Is there a way
to fake my simulated CPU so that it gets detected as an Ivybridge?

My current command:
bhyve \
        -c 2 \
        -s 3,ahci-cd,/root/windows10x64.iso
        -s 4,ahci-hd,/dev/zvol/zroot/windows10 \
        -s 5,virtio-net,tap0 \
        -s 11,fbuf,tcp=,w=1024,h=768 \
        -s 20,xhci,tablet \
        -s 31,lpc \
        -l bootrom,/mnt/vmm/iso/BHYVE_UEFI_20160526.fd \
        -m 2G -H -w \

Thanks in advance and regards,
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