On Sat, 09 Jun 2012 02:21:47 +0200 Palle Girgensohn wrote:

 PG> Hi,

 PG> This seems to be well known issue, system panics when an epair is removed.

 PG> Isn't there anything one can do about this? I'd love to use epair in my
 PG> jails setups, but the risk of killing the system makes them less
 PG> tasty... I tried a few patches on the net that claim to fix the problem,
 PG> but they don't. Any ideas what actually can be done to stop the kernel
 PG> from panicking?

 PG> Here's a reference:

The patch works for me on the current. I had to update it to cleanly apply to
the recent current. Here is the updated version:


If it does not work for you, could you please provide more details: freebsd
version/revision, scenario, backtrace, so I could try to reproduce.

Mikolaj Golub
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