I installed Docker on FreeBSD 11 and it's running fine.
But when I try to run the AWS ECS agent, the process remains restarting and the process exits.
I already made all the steps instructed in AWS documentation.
By executing docker logs on this container, I got this message: jail: exec /agent: No such file or directory
From /var/log/docker.log I got this usefull messages:

level=debug msg="[jail] networking is disabled"
level=debug msg="[jail] jail params [/usr/sbin/jail -c name=fb0e2d9ef7afd49966e6bbf8bcf876df51e8e5b08506fe6f565aafa59de158cf path=/docker/zfs/graph/fb0e2d9ef7af mount.devfs=1 allow.raw_sockets=1 command=/agent]"

Has anyone tried this setup?
What could be a solution?

Best regards;
Adiel de Lima Ribeiro
AWS Certified Solutions Architect
Specialist in Linux Network Administration
Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator
+55 (31) 98961-5984

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