Hi freebsd-virtualization list

I am trying to figure out how to start configured jails within FreeBSD 9.1Release at boot time.
I am using new C-style jail configuration syntax in /etc/jail.conf.
all jail starts successfully when i do a jail -c from the commandline.

I am trying to configure jails to start at boot time using the features in the /etc/rc.conf file.

in /etc/rc.conf at base host i have
jail_list=" jail1 jail2 jail3 "

and no more jail related lines, evereything else is placed into the jail configuration (C-style) file.

running "service jail start":
Configuring jails:.
Starting jails:/etc/rc.d/jail: ERROR: jail: No hostname has been defined for jail1

Looking into the /etc/rc.d/jail script it seems it expects that the /etc/rc.conf contains old style jail configuration statement like


I have looked at the patch at: http://wiki.polymorf.fr/index.php/Howto:FreeBSD_jail_vnet but it also uses the old style (rc.config) jail configuration format, but with extended number of parameters. The patch is dated before the 9-1 release where the C-style jail configuration syntax was taken into use.

is there a patch for /etc/rc.d/jail script that make it handles the new style jail configuration file format (the C-style format). or am I doing this the wrong way.

If you can point me into the right direction it will be very helpfull.

It would be great with something like a /etc/jail.d/<jailname> setup where each jail configuration file is contained in a separate file, the format is the same as the /etc/jail.conf, the latter fil just holds configurations for all jails. Both files with the C-style syntax.

Kristen Nielsen, Denmark.

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