
So it looks like the thing that's generating the interrupt isn't being cleared.

So, what do the bits in R88EE_HIMR mean? What about HIRME? Let's
figure out which it is.

Also, is it something in C2H (the target to host event channel) that's
not being handled?


On 21 December 2017 at 14:43, Farhan Khan <kha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> As I wrote a few weeks back, I am working on the extension to rtwn(4) to add
> RTL8188EE support. At the moment, I am working on the Rx code, which handles
> interrupts. After the interrupt is triggered, the code goes into the Rx 
> routine
> and delivers "junk data" in a continuous loop. It seems that the interrupt 
> code
> is **constantly** called - enough that the load average is frequently above 
> 1.0.
> I suspect the issue is giving the WiFi driver an acknowledgement of some sort,
> but I am not certain. I attempted to copy Linux's interrupt code as best as
> possible, but cannot determine if the error is within my code.
> Here is a verbose explanation of what I believe Linux is doing and what I am
> doing on FreeBSD.
> -----Linux code works as follows-----
> 1. The IRQ trigger calls the function _rtl_pci_interrupt
>    (drivers/net/wireless/realtek/rtlwifi/pci.c)
> 2. This calls disable_interrupt, which for rtl8188ee is
>    rtl88ee_disable_interrupt. This function writes IMR_DISABLED (0x0) to
>    REG_HIMR (0xb0) and REG_HIMRE (0xb8).
> 3. Next _rtl_pci_interrupt calls interrupt_recognized(), a function pointer to
>    rtl88ee_interrupt_recognized(), which:
>    * Reads from REG_HISR (0xb4), stores the value in 'inta', ANDs that value 
> by
>      0x200084ff, then writes that value back to the same register.
>    * Reads from REG_HISRE (0xbc), stores the value in 'intb', ANDs that value 
> by
>      0x100, then writes that value back to the same register.
>    Then the function returns returns.
> 4. Back in _rtl_pci_interrupt if 'inta' is 0 and 'intb' is 0xffff, the code 
> will
>    skip step 5, goto to "done" and execute enable_interrupt code
>    (rtl88ee_enable_interrupt)
> 5. If bit(0) is set to 1, this is an Rx interrupt and will run
>    _rtl_pci_rx_interrupt(). From my review of the code, from here the Linux
>    driver will read from the DMA memory and send the frame to the ieee80211
>    layer. I only found 1 additional read instruction related to the power 
> value,
>    but nothing else is changed.
> 6. Here is the "done" portion, that happens no matter what, but is jumped to
>    immediately as referenced above. It will call enable_interrupt(), a 
> function
>    pointer to rtl88ee_enable_Interrupt(), which will:
>    a. Write 0x200084ff to REG_HIMR (0xb0)
>    b. Write 0x100 to REG_HIMRE (0xb8)
>    c. Write 0 to to REG_C2HEVT_CLEAR (0x01AF, A register having to do with C2H
>       firmware)
>    d. Write 0xc0 to REG_HSIMR (0x58 , I know this value from printf'ing it)
> This is what I identified from reviewing from the Linux code.
> -----My FreeBSD Code-----
> My code is located here:
> https://github.com/khanzf/freebsd/tree/rx_not_working/sys/dev/rtwn/.
> 1. The IRQ trigger calls the function rtwn_pci_intr()
>    (sys/dev/rtwn/pci/rtwn_pci_rx.c)
> 2. The equivalent of Linux's line 2 and 3 is in rtwn_classify_intr, which is a
>    pointer to r88ee_enable_intr located in sys/dev/rtwn/rtl8188e/pci/r88ee_rx.
>    This write's 0x0 to REG_HIMR (0xb0) and REG_HIMRE (0xb8)
> 3. Continuing, the same function:
>    * Reads from ISR_MINE (same as REG_HISR, 0xb4), ANDs the value by 
> 0x200084ff,
>      store it in 'status'. Then I write the value back to the same register.
>    * Read from REG_HISRE (0xbc), AND the value by 0x100, store it in 
> 'statusb'.
>      Write this value back to the same register.
>    * Since this is an Rx register, the 'ret' value is AND'd by 
> 4. In the Linux code, if 'status' is 0x0 and 'statusb' is 0xFFFF, it will goto
>    to "done". On FreeBSD, it simply does not set any bits on the 'ret' value 
> and
>    the function returns 0, going back to rtwn_pci_intr.
> 5. Returning to rtwn_pci_intr(), if the 'ret' (now 'status') has
>    RTWN_PCI_INTR_RX flag on, it executes rtwn_pci_tx_done(), which will read 
> the
>    DMA memory and send the frame to the ieee80211 layer. The execution will 
> skip
>    step 5 if 'ret' was 0 (the RTWN_PCI_INTR_RX flag was never set). This 
> returns
>    execution back to rtwn_pci_intr().
> 6. rtwn_pci_intr() concludes by running rtwn_pci_enable_intr(). This is 
> similar
>    to Linux's enable_interrupt(), it does the following:
>    a. Write 0x200084f to R88EE_HIMR (0xb0)
>    b. Write 0x100 to R88EE_HIMRE (0xb8)
>    c. Write 0x0 to REG_C2HEVT_CLEAR (0x01AF)
>    d. Write 0xc0 to REG_HSIMR
> ---------
> To me, it appears that I did a complete 1-to-1 copy of the Linux code. 
> However,
> in my case the driver is receiving constant interrupts without stopping. I am
> not certain what I am missing or what is different. Could it be that something
> outside of this particular code path was not properly set. If so, what might
> that be?
> Please advise.
> Thank you,
> --
> Farhan Khan
> PGP Fingerprint: B28D 2726 E2BC A97E 3854 5ABE 9A9F 00BC D525 16EE
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