
I'm running FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE and I have problems with my Broadcom
wireless driver.  I cannot load the module during boot (error is :
bwn_v4_lp_ucode15: could not load firmware image, error 2)

Here are some details:

mm@mmmmmm ~$ uname -a
FreeBSD mmmmm 10.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE #0 r274401: Tue Nov 11
22:51:51 UTC 2014

mm@mmmmmm ~$ svn info /usr/src
Path: /usr/src
Working Copy Root Path: /usr/src
URL: svn://svn.freebsd.org/base/release/10.1.0
Relative URL: ^/release/10.1.0
Repository Root: svn://svn.freebsd.org/base
Repository UUID: ccf9f872-aa2e-dd11-9fc8-001c23d0bc1f
Revision: 276805
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: gjb
Last Changed Rev: 274417
Last Changed Date: 2014-11-12 08:20:25 +0000 (Wed, 12 Nov 2014)

mm@mmmmmm ~$
mm@mmmmmm ~$ svn info /usr/ports
Path: /usr/ports
Working Copy Root Path: /usr/ports
URL: svn://svn.freebsd.org/ports/head
Relative URL: ^/head
Repository Root: svn://svn.freebsd.org/ports
Repository UUID: 35697150-7ecd-e111-bb59-0022644237b5
Revision: 376507
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: kwm
Last Changed Rev: 376507
Last Changed Date: 2015-01-08 00:09:41 +0000 (Thu, 08 Jan 2015)

mm@mmmmmm ~$ pciconf -lv
siba_bwn0@pci0:16:0:0:    class=0x028000 card=0x137d103c chip=0x431514e4
rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
    vendor     = 'Broadcom Corporation'
    device     = 'BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY'
    class      = network

mm@mmmmmm ~$ cat /boot/loader.conf


mm@mmmmmm ~$ dmesg | tail
ada0: 114473MB (234441648 512 byte sectors: 15H 63S/T 16383C)
ada0: Previously was known as ad0
Timecounter "TSC" frequency 1596037212 Hz quality 1000
uhub1: 8 ports with 8 removable, self powered
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ada0p2 [rw]...
wlan0: Ethernet address: 00:1a:73:d3:a0:77
bwn_v4_lp_ucode15: could not load firmware image, error 2
bwn0: the fw file(bwn_v4_lp_ucode15) not found
bwn-open_v4_lp_ucode15: could not load firmware image, error 2
bwn0: the fw file(bwn-open_v4_lp_ucode15) not found

mm@mmmmmm ~$ kldstat
Id Refs Address    Size     Name
 1   12 0xc0400000 13a35fc  kernel
 2    1 0xc17a4000 399b4    if_bwn.ko
 3    2 0xc17de000 9ecc     siba_bwn.ko
 4    1 0xc17e8000 32a0     coretemp.ko
 5    1 0xc5fb0000 4000     fdescfs.ko
mm@mmmmmm ~$

mm@mmmmmm ~$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up scan
mm@mmmmmm ~$
mm@mmmmmm ~$

Now, if I manually load that module with kldload and re-create wlan0,
scanning works and dmesg shows that modules was loaded:

mm@mmmmmm ~$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 destroy
mm@mmmmmm ~$
mm@mmmmmm ~$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up scan
ifconfig: interface wlan0 does not exist
mm@mmmmmm ~$
mm@mmmmmm ~$
mm@mmmmmm ~$ sudo kldload /boot/modules/bwn_v4_lp_ucode.ko
mm@mmmmmm ~$
mm@mmmmmm ~$
mm@mmmmmm ~$ sudo ifconfig wlan create wlandev bwn0
mm@mmmmmm ~$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up scan
xxxxxxxxx       4c:72:b9:5c:42:da    1   54M -121:-95  100 EP   HTCAP WPA
xxxxxxxxxxx...  4e:72:b9:5c:42:dc    1   54M -121:-95  100 EP   RSN HTCAP
xxxxxxxx        80:c6:ab:3b:7e:3b    1   54M -112:-95  100 EP   RSN HTCAP
xxxxxxxxxxx...  82:c6:ab:3b:7e:3d    1   54M -113:-95  100 EP   RSN HTCAP

mm@mmmmmm ~$ dmesg | tail
wlan0: Ethernet address: 00:1a:73:d3:a0:77
bwn0: firmware version (rev 478 patch 104 date 0x8701 time 0x657)
wlan0: link state changed to UP
bwn0: need multicast update callback
bwn0: RX decryption attempted (old 0 keyidx 0x1)
bwn0: RX decryption attempted (old 0 keyidx 0x1)
bwn0: need multicast update callback
bwn0: need multicast update callback
bwn0: RX decryption attempted (old 0 keyidx 0x1)
bwn0: RX decryption attempted (old 0 keyidx 0x1)

Can you help me sorting out the "bwn_v4_lp_ucode15: could not load firmware
image" error during boot ?

Thank you,

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