--On 07 September 2015 13:11 -0400 Adam McDougall <mcdou...@egr.msu.edu> wrote:

Try this:

I've used it before for an OpenBSD guest VM.  If that patch is in place
on any XenServer you migrate to, it should set e1000 for the NIC type if
you set NicEmulation in the Custom Fields as described in step 2.

A cleaner patch would just let you specify any driver you want, but this
one is semi-hardcoded for e1000.  You could also try 'virtio' with:
argv = [arg.replace('rtl8139','virtio') for arg in argv]


Thanks for the link. I patched both our in-house XenServers [6.5SP1+Hotfixes] with this - it appeared to work OK (i.e. the DomU's came up with em0 NIC's - rather than Realtek).

They seem to work OK for pushing traffic - but if I try and migrate a guest VM using Intel NIC's with XenServer - it fails miserably and kills it :(

XenServer logs:

"Migrating VM 'FreeBSD (SWR)' from 'Xen1' to 'Xen2' Internal error: Xenops_interface.Internal_error("Unix.Unix_error(2\"open\",\"/var/lib/xen/qemu-save.36\")")"

Other VM's not using the Intel NIC's seem OK. I made sure both the 'source' and 'destination' XenServers are patch (there's only two in the pool).


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