
Since yesterday, Thunar 1.6.0 (the latest stable release) is available
for FreeBSD, but I wonder if we must upgrade, because it depends of
GLib 2.30, unfortunately in ports tree we use GLIb 2.28.8. I made
patches and everything work fine, but I wonder if we must wait for
upgrade of GNOME (when 9.1 will be announced).

If someone will test it, you must first upgrade x11/libexo [1], then
x11-fm/thunar [2] (ports depend of x11/libexo need to be reinstall).


[1] http://people.freebsd.org/~olivierd/patches/libexo-0.8.0_0.10.0.diff
[2] http://people.freebsd.org/~olivierd/patches/thunar-1.4.0_1.6.0.diff

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