<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=12121 >

> [jdorje - Sat Feb 05 01:01:56 2005]:
> Meeting with another player is the most needed action in the players
> dialog.  But it's very hard to do.  You have to select the nation 
> choose meet from the menu.
> 1.  Double-clicking should meet with the player (not bring up the 
> dlg like it does now).
> 2.  The intel dialog should have a meet button (this is a potential
> alternative to #1).
> 3.  Some way should be found to have a keyboard command for Meet.  I
> understand with the tabbed dialog this is problematic.  I'd suggest a
> "meet with player" entry in the TOP-LEVEL menus, with a reasonable
> shortcut.  If the player chooses this it will bring up the players
> dialog.  If the players dialog is already on top it will open the
> meeting dialog.  The same shortcut can be given to the top-level 
> as is given to the diplomacy-dialog entry, just to avoid confusion.
> This should be fixed for 2.0.
> -jason

#2 has been implemented in S2_1 -- can something be done about #3?


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