<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40433 >

 Big cities see really far to the ocean. This is because vision range
is set to at least same as border range.

 Probably the idea has been that area inside ones own borders should
be visible, but this naive implementation is broken in several ways.

 - As already mentioned, it gives vision also to ocean tiles
 - It sees to the enemy territory when enemy city has claimed
territory our city could claim
 - It overrides effects system based vision adjustments

 Attached patch just removes that part of code. Vision range is
determined by the effects system.

 - ML

diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/server/citytools.c freeciv/server/citytools.c
--- freeciv/server/citytools.c  2008-08-12 19:08:20.000000000 +0300
+++ freeciv/server/citytools.c  2008-08-12 19:57:32.000000000 +0300
@@ -2309,10 +2309,6 @@
     } else {
       psite->border_radius_sq = 0;
-    if (radius_sq < psite->border_radius_sq) {
-      radius_sq = psite->border_radius_sq;
-    }
   vision_change_sight(pcity->server.vision, V_MAIN, radius_sq);
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