<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40808 >

Couldn't seem to get guest login to RT to work, so I figured I'd try this

Am using stable release of freeciv, 2.1.9.  I'm running on Windows XP.
Problem is actually with one of the tilesets available on the freeciv

I was having some trouble getting the bigtrident tileset to work, so I took
a closer look at it.  Turns out that the explosion.spec file and the
grid.spec file both reference graphics files in the jrr/ directory, when
they should be referencing the bigtrident/ directory.

Result is that the game simply exits (silently!) the moment you try to start
the client with that tileset selected or switch to that tileset.  Fixing the
above mentioned directories fixes the problem.  I would imagine that
installing the jrr tileset would also fix the problem.

As a side note, it would have been nice if the client had died in a more
informative matter -- a simple message that the file was not found would
have made tracking it down easier, but maybe that exists and I just do not
know how to access it.


Couldn't seem to get guest login to RT to work, so I figured I'd try this route.
Am using stable release of freeciv, 2.1.9.  I'm running on Windows XP.  Problem is actually with one of the tilesets available on the freeciv website.
I was having some trouble getting the bigtrident tileset to work, so I took a closer look at it.  Turns out that the explosion.spec file and the grid.spec file both reference graphics files in the jrr/ directory, when they should be referencing the bigtrident/ directory.
Result is that the game simply exits (silently!) the moment you try to start the client with that tileset selected or switch to that tileset.  Fixing the above mentioned directories fixes the problem.  I would imagine that installing the jrr tileset would also fix the problem.
As a side note, it would have been nice if the client had died in a more informative matter -- a simple message that the file was not found would have made tracking it down easier, but maybe that exists and I just do not know how to access it.
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