<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39427 >

This has nothing to do with city_style & unit_class name translation,
which is in C and is completed.  Please open a new report.

Ulrik Sverdrup wrote:
> In the scripting api, Unit_Type.name disappeared with this patch (in
> api.pkg). How is it going to be replaced? The tutorial uses it (although
> there are also syntax errors now, that need to be fixed with type ->
> utype and :type() -> .utype). 
AFAICT Unit_Type.name was never actually filled with data.  So, I deleted
it, and all the others with invalidly named access functions.

The rule names are searched for in api_find.*

I am aware of the long-standing syntax errors; Per had committed a fix to
trunk, but not to S2_1.  I'm assuming he had a good reason.

> We (probably) need some way to get translated names of Unit_Types,
> Impr_Types etc in the scripting api.
Already in api_intl.*

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