<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39749 >

As discussed, changed to F1 through F4.

<Fn>+<control> assign group
<Fn>+<control>+<shift> add to assigned group

<Fn>+<shift> select previously assigned group

Unmodified <F1> through <F4> continue to show reports.

To be honest though, on MacOS they don't always do these things.
Various <Fn> do expose, and <control>+<F1> always turns on/off the
other <control>+<Fn> features.

No matter what, somebody is going to be disappointed....  Better
not to document until key redefinition has been implemented!

Committed as part of S2_1 revision 14164.
Committed as part of S2_2 revision 14165.
Committed as part of trunk revision 14166.

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