We have implemented client-side scripting as a hobby project. Although development has stalled for lack of time, we have achieved usable results, the most convenient being the automatical terraforming with adjustable preferences. Besides, we had the same goals in mind that you mentioned, and we have accomplished them.

My buddy has developed a scripting language that resembles Lisp that he calls Hisp. It is implemented in C++. He has integrated it into Freeciv and wrote a number of built-in functions to able it to interact with all aspects of game control.

If anyone is interested, it can be found at http://hispciv.sf.net . We have not reached our set objectives for the first release, so only SVN access for now. If there is any interest, we are happy to get to coding again :)

Attila Nagy

Randy Kramer wrote:
Has anyone ever thought about somehow including a scripting language of some sort into FreeCiv?

I can imagine that being very useful.  Among other things, I can imagine:

   * writing my own macro to group moves (or anything similar)
* writing a macro to attack using some set of tactics that I think is best (possibly different tactics depending on the situation)
   * writing city and build managers to use my own preferred strategies
* even things like developing new advances in addition to the current technoligies--just for example, I can imagine creating a new advance "Terraforming" which might allow Engineers to do the "o" transformations much quicker--maybe I'd use a different keyboard shortcut to invoke terraforming when an Engineer was on the desired square--then the macro (in addition to things already implied) would keep track of (or recount on each turn) Engineer-turns and change the terrrain when the required amount of work has been expended

I can also imagine making FreeCiv a more educational game--the (my) city manager might first suggest strategies (or things to consider) to the player, then gradually, as the player seems to learn them (or not) offer to do those things for the player, and introduce more advanced concepts (like considering ROI and/or NPV when making decisions on what to build).

I'm sure it would not be a real easy thing to do, but I'm wondering if anyone else thinks it would be a useful feature?

Randy Kramer

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