I wonder if I should just drop SEAL from the FreeDOS software list, since it seems to have reached a dead-end and is no longer developed. What do others think?

Does anyone here still use SEAL? (To be honest, I prefer to avoid a GUI when working with DOS.)


Owen Rudge wrote:
Is SEAL still an active project? Who develops it now?

At the moment, nothing is happening with SEAL. Bad Sector is the current maintainer, I think, and a while ago he started work on a completely new SEAL kernel, but as far as I know, he didn't get all that far with it.

If there is anyone here who seriously has time and wants to try to put some effort into resuscitating SEAL, then let me know: I can give you appropriate privileges on the site and SourceForge project if desired. You'll need good C capabilities (and some of the code is a bit of a mess).

I personally don't have time to work on SEAL any more. Also, with computer upgrades and so on, I can't really develop SEAL all that easily: I'm currently using Windows XP as my main OS, and its DOS support isn't the best. SEAL under plain DOS isn't really that stable, to be honest - it's better on Windows 9x. My older system, with Windows 9x, a proper ISA sound card, and so on, was magic for SEAL development, but it doesn't exist any more. *sigh*

Anyway... if anyone wants to help with SEAL, please don't be shy, let me know!

I'm sorry my president's an idiot. I didn't vote for him.

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