Hi Antony,

if the goal is only to use Windows driver, then writing
a clone of Windows is a high price. Plus it already has
been paid, by the ReactOS project. Note that DOS windows
in Windows often do not gain from Windows drivers: For
example if your soundcard comes with a Windows driver,
your DOS games still can not use that, even in Windows.

The exception would be dosemu and dosbox in Linux and,
only the latter, in Windows: Those simulate a PC with
DOS compatible hardware. They are not just DOS windows.

So regarding the balance between gain and effort, the
big question is: For WHICH (categories of) pieces of
Windows hardware do you want better DOS support? You
already say that mouse, keyboard and storage are not
enough, so what else?

You mention VMware, Parallels and VirtualBox: Those
all simulate complete PC hardware, VM aware client
drivers there are just to add features, such as the
host / client drive sharing for which at least some
VMware DOS driver already has been written afaik :-)

I remember that the "joystick" category already is
known to DOS USB drivers: The problem probably is
that many games do NOT use the BIOS calls to query
joystick status. Instead, they directly access the
joystick port hardware, but that expects non-USB.

Again, full hardware simulations can give your DOS
game access to non-DOS sound and joystick, but DOS
windows in Windows are not enough for that...

And a full hardware simulation is not what you are
looking for, apparently: You "only want DOS which
somehow at the same time is almost Windows, so it
can use Windows drivers". To make that really work,
you would end up having a lot of Windows plus some
PC hardware simulator, which is much more than DOS.

For thinking about how small a system could be to
combine DOS and sufficient magic to support those
pieces of "Windows" hardware you are intersted in,
the main question is: WHICH Windows hardware driver
categories are you interested in?

Regards, Eric

PS: Your intuition that using Windows drivers and
not Linux drivers for DOS probably comes from DOS
and Windows being from the same company. Yet BOTH
modern driver ecosystems are totally DOS unrelated.
There IS some DOS software with Linux sound drivers.

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