On my site at http://www.mariottini.net/freedos/english.html you can find updated translations for most of the internationalized FreeDOS utilities, and for the FreeDOS install system.

_New in release 3_

 - Fixed some typos in the old translations
- At the beginning of every translation file is mentioned the version of the utility used as a basis for the translation.
 - Added translated strings for FASTHELP, MOVE and XCOPY.

Maintainers can include those files in the official distribution of their utilities if they want to. If this is not possible, maybe creating an "Italian language pack" can be of some help for users.

_New translation for the Install program/batch files_

- Updated and completed most translation files and added a few that were missing. - Changed to use the correct codepage (IBM CP 850/858) instead of the wrong one they used before (windows 1252).

_Bugs and other issues_

1) I've found a bug in Move when it asks for confirmation to overwrite (move.c in the prepare_move() function), it does:

  scanf("%4s", &input)

thus reading only 4 characters from the input, then does

  if (stricmp(input, kittengets(2,1,"N")) == 0)

that fails if the translated string is longer than 4 characters, like the Italian word "Tutti" for "All" and "Nessuno" for "None". I suggest to either test only the first 4 characters of the string or raising the input limit to 8-10 characters. Maybe using only the first character, like XCOPY does, is a good idea, provided that one can find words with all different initials (something that for XCOPY was difficult to find in Italian, I eventually found a compromise).

2) The choice of the language during installation doesn't work. See my previous mail for more information.

3) Provided that the above works (it works changing manually some environment variable), the actual install program is run in English only. This is because NLSPATH is not changed to point to the right directory before invoking TEXTINST.

4) Once the installation correctly terminates, the COMMAND.COM installed is English-only. Since I've chosen Italian as a language, it should be installed CMD-IT.EXE as COMMAND.COM.


IMHO non-English-speaking people would find difficult to get right the first 3 choices to eventually get the language choice menu. Language choosing should be done early in the install process, "as soon as possible" can mean in the very first menu after the "boot:" prompt.

The language choice menu is big and bloated of main configurations and uncommon sub-configurations, like the normal "Italy" numbered 12 and the "Italy (NumPad ,)" numbered 72. I suggest dividing it in two parts, with the most common choices in the first menu and the most specialized one in the second.


I suppose someone is writing the new documentation for the 1.0 release. I would like to translate also this document, is this something feasible, or the 1.0 release will go out with Beta 9 READMEs?

fn:Roberto Mariottini
org:Prima Electronics S.p.A.;R&D Departement
adr:;;Strada Carignano, 48/2;MONCALIERI;(TO);10024;ITALY
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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