Hi, Geraldo sends test results for LBAcache and element sizes:

- mscdex
- format
- load LBAcache with 6 MB (buf 24) (default element size: 4k)
- OR load smartdrv 12288 /x /u /e:4096
  (this is 6 MB as well! A bug in smartdrv makes it assume 8k element
  size for the element count calc -> lower count makes cache size smaller ->
  asking for 12 MB at 4k element size means actually 6 MB. /x /u is no CD-ROM
  and no delayed write caching)
Then do:
d:\window~1\installa /c /ie /im /iv /nr
(all kinds of "ignore ... do not load internal cache module ...")
In the end,
SMARTDRV is something like 0.5 of 15 minutes faster and the result of
LBAcache /INFO or SMARTDRV /S respectively is:

(PS: stacks=0,0 files=100 ... himem and emm386 loaded... efficient cd driver)

SMARTDrive 5.02 with 1536 elements of 4k each:
87,469 cache hits and 104,988 cache misses
LBAcache with 6 MB and 4k element size:
71599 read hits, 57672 read misses, 36150 write hits, 381603 write misses

I think SMARTDrv counts in elements or in calls to "int" 25/26 here.
LBAcache oounts in sectors when creating the statistics.
SMARTDrv has 45% of 192k SOMETHINGS hit ratio,
LBAcache has 55% of 129k sector read hit ratio and 8% of 417k sector write hit
ratio (low because a Windows install means writing most files ony once, for
which a cache does not really help).

It would be interesting to compare this to
- same with SMARTDRV 6144 /x /u (with default 8k element size)
- LBAcache with other element sizes (compile time option, explained
  in the binsel*.asm files)

Do you know in what units the SMARTDRV statistics are counted?

Thanks to Geraldo for testing, interesting result although the
statistics count in different units :-). (BCCing him...)


PS: I got a report that the FAT32 386 build dot bat does not work (too
long command line) with Turbo C++ but works fine with Turbo C on the
same computer. Greetings to the kernel people...

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