I needed to have a simple running calculator when I was using FreeDOS
- something that would let me add a list of numbers and do some other
simple math operations. So I wrote one.

RC (Running Calculator) lets you do simple arithmetic operations: = + - * /

Place the operator first, then one or two values to act on. For
example, to set the register to a value:

= 123

..this sets the register to 123

To add two numbers together:

+ 1 2

..this sets the register to 3

With 3 as the register, divide it in half with:

/ 2

..this sets the register to 1.5

When you're done, enter 'q' or 'Q' to quit.

This is a simple calculator in the style of a desktop calculator or
adding machine that I found useful for doing quick basic math
operations. Available under the MIT license.


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