Hi all,

French and Turkish translation contributor to FreeDOS here. While browsing the archive of freedos-devel, I stumbled upon the thread about Edlin in Chinese and wanted to bring a few pages to your attention.

Firstly, you may see that some people are asking for CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) support for FreeDOS on <https://github.com/shidel/fd-nls/issues/149>. The discussion may be interesting as there seems to be a solution but it's not free software :/

Secondly, please note that for some reason, edlin remains in English in FreeDOS. More information on that on <https://gitlab.com/FreeDOS/base/edlin/-/issues/1>.

Thirdly, someone provided a simplified Chinese translation for edlin on <https://github.com/FDOS/edlin/pull/3>.

Finally, I noticed that there was a Japanese translation for edlin on <https://github.com/shidel/fd-nls/blob/master/edlin/nls/edlin.ja> but as you can see, its content is a bit... disappointing and currently it's not possible to use that language in FreeDOS.

Well, that's all. Whenever Jerome pulls the the tree new messages for edlin on FD-NLS, I'll translate them.

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