Hi Aitor, all,

Very nice, forgive me for my ignorance with wikis.
I've seen that MEM is a Topic under "Main", is there a way to see the "tree" of all the topics under "Main"? The obvious stuff didn't work.

As Robert pointed out, there is the "Index" page.  I just
wanted to mention for those who are not familiar with wikis that they
are not structured in any sort of "tree" - you typically create a new
page by creating a link on an existing page, following that link, then
creating/editing the new page.  The only way you find pages is via
links from other pages which include the front page (called "HomePage"
on PmWiki) or via a link on the "SideBar" (which is also a page but is
included on the side of every page).

Anyone can add or modify any page on the Wiki so you can
easily create a page with information about whatever you are working
on/knowledgeable about.  The Wiki stores revision history so if
someone screws up a page you can restore the old one, and if someone
cares to add comments to my "Mem" page I can see what they added.

Where I work I am quite keen on the use of Wikis as most of
the team knowledge is stored in old emails because folks send around
tips on how to do things and everyone else will store that email
somewhere and never be able to find it, whereas if we put it on a Wiki
new members of the team also have access to the information and the
Wiki has a search function.

Okay, my sales pitch is over now :)


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