Am 16.11.2016 19:16, schrieb Jim Hall:
> I haven't had time to experiment with this bug yet (I'll have more time
> over the weekend). The person reports that HELP freezes under any language
> other than English? Has anyone else seen this problem?
> Based on the description, I think the problem can be reproduced by changing
> the language setting, then running HELP.


OFYI, I have installed FreeDOS 1.2 RC1 on VMware Player 5.0.2 build-1031769.
The host OS is OpenSUSE 11.4.  The memory setting of the VM is 64 MB and 1 
All VM settings are the standard settings as suggested by the virtual machine
for a DOS operating system.  I have installed FreeDOS out-of-the-box.  I only
selected the german keyboard and installed all binary programs; no sources at 
Especially I have installed nothing else later and I have not modified anything.
The system is as installed by the installer.  LANG=DE in autoexec.bat and the 
works flawlessly.  I can navigate and search and quit and restart the help 
No issues at all.  As soon as I change LANG=ES in autoexec.bat and reboot the
system the help program crashes with the output printed below:


JemmEx: exception 0D accured at CS:EIP=037F:00002C42, ERRC=00000000
SS:ESP=1CD3:00000D6A EBP=00000D6E EFL=00033217 CR0=80000011 CR2=00000000
EAX=C9990004 EBX=00000002 ECX=FFFF0004 EDX=00001582 ESI=0000FFFF EDI=00000008
DS=0354 ES=43D8 FS=EA0E GS=F000 [CS:IP]=F3 A5 73 01 A4 8E DA 8B
Press ESC to abort program

Pressing ESC aborts the program and starting help again produces the same 
The machine can still be used.  The crashing of help seems not to corrupt the 
After starting help it takes around 20 seconds until the above message appeares.
The first 2 boot options produce the above output.  The last 2 boot options
let the machine freeze.  It must be reseted.  This also happens if I set 
If I set LANG=IT it works again.  For all runs the german keybord driver was 
(mkeyb GR) all the time and absolute no changes neither to CONFIG.SYS nor to 
have been done.

Juan M. Guerrero

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