makes people use 8086 FreeCOM if I understand the text right.
This means they will likely have no XMS swap and no LOADHIGH.
In short, they will think FreeCOM is really a BAD command.com

Please make the XMS SWAP 186+ FreeCOM the one which is linked
at the "Stable Kernel" section. It is a very very big exception
to have a pre-186 processor in a computer in year 2006.

You should also put a download link for HIMEM on that page.

My other wish is using a new version number. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
call the head kernel of [some date in the NEAR future] 2036 and
the unstable/devel kernel of [same date] 2037. We are stuck with
version number 2035 for over a year now, which makes it impossible
to link kernel bugs to a given version number. It is absolutely
pointless in bugzilla to say "in SOME 2035 kernel which I downloaded
at date X, we have bug Y". I cannot tell people to compare to some
other version either, because then I would have to teach them how
to use CVS. In that context, we can say:

The newest WELL DEFINED kernel version is dated February 25 2005...
(and the newest well defined FreeCOM version is dated Dec 14 2003)

Please label any given current CVS snapshot "the real 2036 / 2037"
and send me the bill for the pizza which you needed to get the
energy to do so ;-)).



PS: The SF page can be reached from the "Project Info" link.
You can also find the feature request tracker there. Another
not directly linked goodie is the FAQ: The start page of the
"Documentation Wiki" links the FAQ search function ;-).

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