Hi all,

For the next file release of FreeCOM 0.84xyz and
kernel 2038 / sys, I would be happy if somebody
could figure out and fix the following problems:

- SUBST somehow breaks getcwd / chdir in the kernel??

- when you write a char dev, the kernel tries to read
  it to detect ctrl-break, which crashes ROT13DEV (I did
  write some suggestions about how to fix it on the list)
  See the 24 Apr 2007 mail "possible freedos kernel bug
  for char devices" for some ideas for getting started...
  Unfortunately, I did not get further to reach a fix.

- FreeCOM stops to run external commands sometimes
  (internal commands keep working)

- FreeCOM leaves a batch file or (if you are not inside one)
  even shuts down completely when you use pipes or redirects
  and the input "runs dry" for internal commands. A very old
  bug but maybe worth fixing before the next file release:

- SYS sometimes uses FAT32 CHS (or other?) boot sectors
  for FAT32 LBA drives, so add a command line override
  to force either LBA or CHS style there?

- the history.txt files need a lot of updating, any doc-
  writing volunteers for that? You would have to read the
  svn log and summarize it, and check which updates are for
  "stable 2038" and which are in the "unstable" branch. The
  latter has not changed for a while, but history.txt of
  stable might contain "unstable" items labeled as stable
  "2036" by accident... Logs are online, start at 1190 or 1302:

A list of interesting bug numbers at the moment, view with
www.freedos.org/bugzilla/cgi-bin/show_bug.cgi?id=NUMBER ...

The "fixed in svn" need feedback (does it really work?) and
should then be updated with a comment "fixed in svn" but
should not be marked as closed / fixed bugs until we have
a file release of kernel 2038.

1793 djgpp grep vs rhide: I think somebody fixed that in svn?
1959 opening many files: maybe related to bug XXX
1908 rename should work in-place, without consuming a new
     directory entry, for rename inside the same local dir
1854 Turbo C++ 3 TC fails to run: Fixed in svn? :-)
1862 CHDIR (getcwd?) fails on SUBSTituted drives!!
1887 char access to CLOCK$ driver hangs the kernel
     (other drivers like himem/emm have the same weakness)
1890 timestamps wrong on network files - still the case?

1923 initdisk hang with CF disk - would need a tester?
1800 hang even before initdisk on ATA flash? needs a tester.
1810 Ranish FAT32 boot fails (SYS bug?) - needs a tester.
1821 SYS hangs for CF unless compiled with Watcom - testers?
1945 SYS may fail to detect LBA support per drive letter
     (obvious, hard to fix) - add a command line override?
1840 SYS needing too many disk swaps: Fixed in svn? :-)

1953 int 21.29 to check for valid drives: fixed in svn?
1956 extending the file table makes open fail: fixed in svn?
1960 partitions outside the reachable range should not be
     "ill. partition table" but should give a better message
698  kernel has no int 13 dma boundary helper: true, and a
     fix will have to wait, but I made a workaround TSR :-)

1139 dir .foo / dir foo. should behave as dir *.foo / dir foo.*
1720 some F8 related FreeCOM keyboard issue found by Bernd
1848 dir crashes on size overflow (maybe fixed?)
1888 copy implementation troubles (appending etc)
1901 copy implementation troubles (appending etc)
     PS: FreeCOM TYPE replaces [CR,LF]+ by CRLF, MS TYPE doesn't
1946 dir /p and cls support for pre-EGA
1951 echo strips too many control chars, for example FormFeed
1946 pipe / redirection internal cmd EOF aborts batch or FreeCOM
     Examples: ECHO ON | DATE (uses stderr) DATE < EMPTY.TXT
1962 FreeCOM tries to close handle -1

All feedback, testers and patch contributions are welcome :-)


PS: Which regressions bugs exist in FreeCOM 0.82pl3 which
did not exist in 0.82pl2, Bernd? I think 0.82pl3 is very
nice unless you need LFN support :-).

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