On Sun, 21 Mar 2004 23:42:26 +0000 (GMT), Bart Oldeman wrote:

It appears that ^C has to be echoed to stdout. This is easy to test, I'm
using a simple test0a program, see below.
If you (in MSDOS) run test0a > foo and press ^C then the ^C ends up in

Or if I run DEBUG > BOZA then type ^C and Q then BOZA contains the ^C, so you're right indeed!

Boza (millet-ale) is a very specific thick light-brown Bulgarian drink that I don't like and is our rough equivalent to FOO.BAR (there is also a virus with this name, Bulgarian, of course ;-)

Which is not stderr.

I thought that stderr is more logical, but as I see, Microsoft didn't think so :( Let it be! :)

Also about LF. Press ctrl-j and you'll see it is echo'ed as cr-lf, except
when you're still at the beginning of a line and it's the first key you
press. ctrl-j ctrl-j or ctrl-f ctrl-j already does the trick.
Most likely the "first time" trick is to deal with cr-lf from redirected
input, indeed.

OK. Most important is that your changes fix the DEBUG redirectioj bug, too! So I accept them.

I'm leaving your floppy changes out of the kernel for the time being as
you are still dry swimming as far as I understood, and RBIL specifically
says about int13/ah=16
        AH = 16h
        DL = drive number (00h-7Fh)
that the TSR lets this function be valid for DL>=80 I still find hard to

Wow! I didn't notice that this call is only for floppy disks (0-7F)! So you're right again, as usual! ;-) Well, Bart, congratulations and thanks for your changes that fix those bugs!

As to my "dry swimming", it's because I don't have a ZIP drive [yet] to test its disk change... So, this bug will have to wait until I buy one just to see what's going on :-( Don't you just hate IOMEGA? ;-G


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