Gee. All these emails and I was only looking for a log in screen..... LOL

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----- Reply message -----
From: "Marcos Favero Florence de Barros" <>
To: <>
Subject: [Freedos-user] Freedos V2.0 - when will it be available?
Date: Fri, Jan 11, 2013 10:50 AM

> > This *is* the FreeDOS list, right? Haven't seen a post about that in awhile.
> Yes, and this discussion threat has gone *way* off topic.

Alright, point conceded.


I am glad that this discussion did take place. It showed us how
insanely complex things have become. This is relevant not only
in relation to computers, but to life in general.

This kind of discussion has to happen *somewhere*. I don't see
it happening much in government, or in academia, still less in
the business environment.

So I think it was appropriate that it happened in the FreeDOS
list. And I hope that similar discussions also happen among
other groups having the required technical expertise combined
with a critical sense.

The philosophically inclined love the notion of simplicity, but
most of them (myself included) would also like to live with
modern comforts, so the question is: where to draw the line? For
that fine distinction, it is not enough to be lofty-minded; we
desperately need the contribution of the technically
knowledgeable. They have a better chance of getting it right
than the pure idealists.

To draw a parallel with another field, I like the suggestion of
an important environmental thinker, Professor Herman Daly, that
the "scale" (total size) of the economy should be decided by the
scientific community. Other things can (and should) be left for
governments or market forces to decide, but not this one -- it
requires technical knowledge.

Another idea from the environmentalist camp is the concept of
"intermediate technology" from E. F. Schumacher, the author of
"Small is Beautiful". Back in the 1960's he would point out
something we always knew but love to forget: for the vast
majority of problems the appropriate technology is one of an
intermediate level of complexity. It helps explain why I use

So this is what I'm driving at. Nowadays, people holding
technical expertise have increased responsibilities (as compared
to, say, 100 or 200 years ago). This is simply because we are in
a technological age. Even when we believe to be engaged in a
purely technical discussion, we come across important
implications. My feeling is that we should rise to the occasion
and include them in the discussion, instead of leaving them for
others. And who would these "others" be, anyway?

To sum up: I think the thread was very good, because people were
examining past mistakes and learning from them. What could be
more laudable? It is our only hope of improving the world. But
then, it had to end at some point, so Jim is right too :-)

Congratulations to us all.



Marcos Fávero Florence de Barros
Campinas, Brazil

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