Hi, this is not really an ERIC EDIT. The editor started as a project
based on Dr Dobbs Magazine D-FLAT text mode windowing toolkit. At some
point, Joe took over from some other DOS guy, and the 0.6 version did
not really meet my wishes, so I wrote several modifications of 0.6 and
0.7 ... Finally, Joe wrote his own 0.8 version which is based on 0.6
and ideas from my versions, but not so much the code from my versions.
So now I decided to update my spin-off version again, to 0.7b, while
Joe has reached 0.82 with his version.

> Nice. I don't knew that you're involved also in the development of EDIT :-)
> I don't knew even that there are two version of EDIT... Maybe should you 
> change the name of the your one, for example ERIC-EDIT or somethin ;-) ?

> There is one bug which is really annoying for me: When I modify a file and 
> select the "save" command from the "file" menu, the filename (shown in the 
> title bar) get broken (it's not the filename I wrote anymore - it's some 
> random and weird characters).

That does not seem to happen with my 0.7b, but I can confirm that 0.81 does
have that bug, yes ;-).

> Another thing (more improvement than bug..) is that pressing ALT and then the 
> down cursor should open the "file" menu, as it does in the MS EDIT (I use 
> that very often, and it's for me a big lack in the FD EDIT, as I lose time 
> trying to do an ALT+down).

You can do Alt-Enter. Basically, Alt activates the menu bar, but FreeDOS EDIT
only allows you to use left/right, not down. However, pressing enter while
the menu bar is in focus has the same effect as pressing down in the way that
you described. You would normally press Alt-Letter to directly activate one
of the sub-menus of the title bar.


PS: Remember, most recent Joe/classic version is 0.82, not 0.81, but it
might be the case that the 0.82 download location is harder to find than
the 0.81 download location??

PPS: Can you mail me off-list about the question of "should DOS shell menu
item be blocked in viewer /R mode?"...? And please look if you can find
other "security" problems in /R mode.

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