>> 1) 4DOS in FreeDOS 1.1: Will it - the package - have the structure
>> of directory as the other programs? Or not? (freecom is in the
>> root-directory...)

> You are right - FreeCOM should be moved to the BIN directory.
> At the moment, a FreeCOM in your own selected language is made
> (by concatenating two binary blobs) during install,  which is
> then allowed to replace the original FreeCOM from the package.
> Both original and localized FreeCOM should be put into BIN.

wrong. command.com should stay at the root directory - for the simple
reason that the kernel expects it (by default there), and otherwise
F5 won't work. BTW: command.com has been there for about 20 years, no
reason to change that.

>> 5) And...as always: I vote for using 4DOS as main command-
>> interpreter and freecom as optional. ;-)

> I vote AGAINST this.
me too. you *are* able to use any command interpreter you like, but
*default* should be command.com


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