> Nice response Tom.  Next time don’t be so shy and really let the
> language fly, but ya did have a good point if not good language.

well the original question

> > In DOS I was able to press and hold a key and the key would repeat.
> > Great for arrow and page keys.? For some reason this stopped workin

is proof of the fact that there ARE stupid questions. what kind of
response do you expect?

> 1) Real DOS on bare metal runnin msdos 7.1.  I have had this happen on 
> FreeDOS as well.
> 2) Config.sys and autoexec bat are the same and nothin there has changed.
> Fix:  The fix was a simple one yet quite odd, in my opinion. 
> Apparently while one keyboard will allow me to hold down a key and
> it repeats, another keyboard wasn’t allowing me to do it.  Not sure
> why that is.  I found out this was the issue when it was suggested I try 
> another keyboard.

you might have added to your original question:

I changed nothing except I changed the keyboard. for some reason this
stopped working.


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