I mentioned these historic examples. The first describes a hydraulic analog computer.

{The MONIAC (Monetary National Income Analogue Computer), also the Phillips Hydraulic Computer and the Financephalograph, was created in 1949 by the New Zealand economist Bill Phillips to model the national economic processes of the United Kingdom, while Phillips was a student at the London School of Economics (LSE). The MONIAC is an analogue computer which used fluidic logic to model the workings of an economy. The MONIAC name is suggested by associating money and ENIAC, an early electronic digital computer.}


This second subject, explains an algorithm's mistaken assumption. Its economic cost was USD 1.2 billion, or EUR 1.1 billion!

{Put in place in July 2016 and announced to the public in December of the same year,[6][7] the scheme aimed to replace the formerly manual system of calculating overpayments and issuing debt notices to welfare recipients with an automated data-matching system that compared Centrelink records with averaged income data from the Australian Taxation Office.[5][6]}

{The Australian government lost a 2019 lawsuit over the legality of the income averaging process, and settled a class action lawsuit in 2020. The scheme was further condemned by Federal Court Justice Bernard Murphy in his June 2021 ruling against the Government where he approved a A$1.8 billion settlement including repayments of debts paid, wiping of outstanding debts, and legal costs.[17]}

{"That the Department of Human Services should resume full responsibility for calculating verifiable debts (including manual checking) relating to income support overpayments, which are based on actual fortnightly earnings and not an assumed average; and provide those issued debt notices with the debt calculation data required to be assured any debts are correct".}

{In November 2019, the federal government agreed to orders by the Federal Court of Australia in Amato v the Commonwealth that the averaging process using ATO income data to calculate debts was unlawful, and announced that it would no longer raise debts without first gathering evidence – such as payslips – to prove a person had underreported their earnings to Centrelink.[1][2]}

{On 31 May 2020, Attorney-General Christian Porter, who was Minister for Social Services when the Robodebt system was first implemented, and who had previously defended the scheme,[33] conceded that the use of averaged income data to calculate welfare overpayments was unlawful, stating that there was "no lawful basis for it".[9][47]}


{The report concluded that the robodebt scheme was "devised without regard to the social security law", and that the use of income averaging in estimating entitlements "was essentially unfair, treating many people as though they had received income at a time when they had not".[20]}

{In the aftermath of the final report, Kathryn Campbell, secretary of the Department of Human Services from 2011 to 2017, was suspended without pay from her position as a special adviser on the AUKUS nuclear submarine project, a position with a $900,000 salary.[27] Additionally, a PwC consultant who testified to the Royal Commission was fired in the hours after the final report was released.[28]}

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