Hi! Ranting on...

> Eric, you say your list is not to replace the official, then why you do 
> it? why, being over 70 bugs, do you waste your time (and mine) in 
> creating such a list?

I claim that my list actually saves me some time: I can annotate things
there, while doing so would often be misplaced on the official list.
Examples: Mention of ClamAV, FileMaven, fdshield, DOSFSCK...,
mention of exact interrupt function which is missing, mention of implications
and workarounds for problems.

> Respect to the list consulting and posting: the list is updated weekly 
> (what a remedy! read below) in my hard drive, and latest edit is always 
> available via mail.

I suggest doing a weekly sync between your harddisk and the online official
list. I believe nobody will want you to ask for permission in a public vote
before each upload. It is nice that you always ask Bernd, me and a few others
for opinions about changes. But then, you can still upload the changed list
at once (also easier to read than first having to unzip the new HTML and
put them in a directory with the used CSS from another source) - for those
points where we disagree, you can always change the list again later when
you will be updating it again anyway.

> Modifications, typos, etc (some come from Eric) are always welcome, but 
> specially welcome when ALL of them (say 20) are listed AFTER one 
> official release, and not when they come by twos every week

You said yourself that you would update the list weekly, if I write more
often than that you can of course wait with reading to reduce actual update
processing frequency ;-).

> I claimed that updates would 
> come at a reasonable rate, say once each two month (or at most month), 

Last updates were: 14.3, 20.4., 20.5., 5.6. - all quite small. I agree
that not much does change over time, but FreeDOS ISOs are released far
less often (which is good, because it saves bandwidth compared to downloading
a whole new ISO just because one included package changed) than updates
for programs are released. Only doing bigger updates when a new ISO is
released is not enough: People will believe that there are bugs, while there
would be an updated package available for possibly months until the next ISO
is upcoming.

> if you just pick the bugs at bugzilla and start patching, or if 
> you take the TODO list, but not to directly modify it, but to convert 
> the missing features into "ready".

I did, it only did not show up on the official list yet.

And again: Please read my "inofficial list" announcement and explanation
mails again. The inofficial list has different purpose and focus than
the official list. The former is a detailled description of what is
missing, what I would like to know over what MIGHT be missing, and of
which workarounds are available. The latter is a checklist which gives
you a quick overview in form of a list of complete/incomplete/missing
programs, without going into details and without being clobbered by
"please give feedback about this or that" or "AFTER version 1.0, we
would also like to..." items.

So I hope we can get both list to some form of coexistance. Note that
I have also uploaded the "hard to test bugs" list and the translated
exitcode list, which you had sent to Bernd for upload anyway (okay, you
had sent them for review, but as nobody complained, they were ready for
actual upload).


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