I did some more testing with freedos b9sr1 and doslfn  (long file name
support), for those who know how it works this is elementary but I
didn't know and I thought that it would be good to write up what I

Booting freedos without lfn support and running various utilities,
like ls, unzip32, dir cause all filenames to be truncated or
translated to a mangled version of the original filename.
After loading doslfn.com  the berkeley utilities like ls will display
the long file name, and using unzip32  -l  will also show the long
filename.  I havent tried yet but I expect that with doslfn loaded,
using unzip32 will write the file with the longfile name.  Dir didnt
show the long file name even with doslfn loaded and I didnt check any

As mentioned in a previous question,  I am testing a dos port of
python 221 available at
http://www.caddit.net/pythond.php.   I am posting a short extract from
the page regarding the need for dos long file name support at the end
of this note.  Using unzip32 -l when doslfn is loaded I could see that
quite a few files in the distribution actually conform to
dos naming conventions.  I am looking into the tree to find files with
long names. Curious to know  what the functions will do if long file
name support is not available.  Just realized while proofreading this
note that long file name support also should handle case sensitive
file names.  Havent checked that yet!

 If you plan to run PythonD under pure native DOS or under NT 4, you
should have a long-filename driver installed. Beginning with PythonD
2.2.1 R2, an LFN driver is not required to start a PythonD session.
However, many advanced feature module names are longer than eight
characters, and the other modules that depend on them will not run
(i.e. the `__future__´ module). Modules available from the PythonD
standard library will be limited based on the DOS 8.3 convention. All
Python module import names are also case-sensitive by default, which
also requires the active LFN driver. If you do are not using a long
filename driver, then you should also add the following to your DOS


(otherwise Python will start up but return the error that it couldn't
find 'site', which probably means that it is having trouble loading
the Python library).

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