Hello all, Alex...
 I just wanted to answer about the secretaries computer, No, the secretary dose 
not even know the first thing about about Dos, but I do not have internet 
access at my home...I also mostly am useing Freedos, experimenting, but on my 
computer at home,,she just let me use the machine in the office for a couple of 
minuets, and I apologize ,because the key board was terrible, the space key did 
not hardly work, I am use an internet cafe,at this time...and also have more 
time, as I mentioned, finally( I had alot of trouble installing), Freedos 
installed well, and seems to be running fine, in it;s own particion...and The 
Cd rom works, also I have sound,
the MPXPLAY , works real well to play music from CDs...how ever ,...I enjoy a 
Pac Man very much..it is a loder version...and it looks for sound blaster,to 
have sound..with that game I dont have sound..and am still looking for a 
solution....if anyone has suggestions on that, It seems there is some kind of 
Sound Blaster emulater,or card, for windows..as when I
use Dos box, under windows..I do get sound with the game... 
 On the Installing,...all though previously I had made a primary particion, for 
free dos, it still did not install well...and the only way I could run windows, 
was by hideing the partician....
later I formatted the hard drive..and only installed Freedos...and it installed 
And I did not use windows, I dont really like windows that much...but I do have 
a couple of programs I like that depend on windows....So I reinstalled windows, 
and createda new particion, for freeDos...I had trouble useing Fdisk, but 
useing Particion Magic, and also
the SPFDISK..included in the freedos package...
  The other part of the problems ,I think...was also I had alot of viruses..and 
Also running a disk checking program..was getting messages that the hard drive 
is damaged, 3000 sectors.....and only about 86 were repairable...at this time I 
waiting for a new hard drive..to arrive...here there is no stores that carry 
that kind of stuff,...but I have ordered one...
 ok well I guess that is about it for now....I dont want to bore everyone with 
areal long email
Merry Xmas and happy new year to all
>From Garry
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