Dosemu/FreeDos works fine from a terminal opened on the Desktop. When I 
enter a virtual console, say CTRL-ALT-F4, there are some anomalies. This 
post discusses one: exiting. I cannot exit with CTRL-ALT-PAGE-DOWN. I 
have to reboot with CTRL-ALT-DEL? I've tried many key combinations , but 
nada. Once after I managed somehow to hang the  program, 
CTRL-ALT-Page-Down did exit correctly. The boot.log file reported 
"system stopped" then the exit command was called. The boot.log file is 
interesting reading. It contains the statement "dosemu running on X". 
Since "TTY4" is not running on X, this might explain why the dos 
graphics programs 'work' but do not show the graphs on screen. I am 
confused. Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in 
advance - Bob T.

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