Below is the data you requested:  MEM /D and MEM /E run with the JEMM386 line
variously containing and not containing X=CC00-CFFF and NOEMS.

Here are some observations I've made about the upper memory area on
my Virtual PC 2009.  Note the PXE ROM

A000-BFFF:  Things entered in this range tend to go directly to the screen.
C000: Video ROM.  At C900 are strings "S3 Corp." and "Trio64".
CC00:  PXE ROM by Argon Technologies
CD00-CFFF:  "FF", but I still encounter trouble writing to those locations.
D000-DFFF:  "FF", and free as far as I can tell.
E000-EFFF:  "FF", and free as far as I can tell.

I have a question, since I know nothing about designing upper memory managers:

Sometimes a region will show FF FF in the debugger, and I can write to it;
other times when I write to it it will go back to FF FF.
Is there some protocol that tells the computer whether I'm trying to access
the RAM in that region or the ROM (which may or may not exist) behind it?

 - - Shane

Data follows:




Conventional Memory Detail:

Segment       Total            Name          Type
-------  ----------------  ------------  -------------
  0000      1,024    (1K)                interrupt vector table
  0040        768    (1K)                BIOS data area
  0070      7,920    (8K)  IO            system data
                             NUL         system device driver
                             CON         system device driver
                             PRN         system device driver
                             AUX         system device driver
                             LPT1        system device driver
                             LPT2        system device driver
                             LPT3        system device driver
                             COM1        system device driver
                             COM2        system device driver
                             COM3        system device driver
                             COM4        system device driver
                             CLOCK$      system device driver
                             A: - C:     system device driver
  025f      3,008    (3K)  DOS           system data
  0261        192    (0K)    FILES       FILES=40 (3 in this block)
  026e         80    (0K)    JEMFBHLP    device driver
                               JEMFBHP$  installed DEVICE=JEMFBHLP
  0274      2,688    (3K)    HIMEM       device driver
                               XMSXXXX0  installed DEVICE=HIMEM
  031c      3,008    (3K)  COMMAND       program
  03d9        624    (1K)  MEM           environment
  0401     55,008   (54K)  MEM           program
  1170    582,880  (569K)                free

Upper Memory Detail:

Segment       Total            Name          Type
-------  ----------------  ------------  -------------
  9fc0    197,760  (193K)                reserved
                             EMMQXXX0    installed DEVICE=
  d008     17,744   (17K)  DOS           system data
  d00a      2,304    (2K)    XCDROM      device driver
                               FDCD0001  installed DEVICE=XCDROM
  d09b      8,576    (8K)    CDRCACHE    device driver
                               CDRCACH0  installed DEVICE=CDRCACHE
  d2b4        528    (1K)    MORESYS     device driver
                               MORE$     installed DEVICE=MORESYS
  d2d6      1,904    (2K)    FILES       FILES=40 (32 in this block)
  d34e      2,288    (2K)    LASTDRV     LASTDRIVE=Z
  d3de      2,048    (2K)    STACKS      data area
  d45e      1,024    (1K)  COMMAND       environment
  d49f        304    (0K)                free
  d4b3        912    (1K)  FDAPM         program
  d4ed      5,968    (6K)  SHSUCDX       program
  d663      3,312    (3K)  MOUSE         program
  d733        368    (0K)                free
  d74b     13,504   (13K)  DOSLFN        program
  da98      4,096    (4K)  PERUSE        program
  db99     18,016   (18K)                free

Memory Type        Total       Used       Free
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Conventional          639K        16K       623K
Upper                  64K        46K        18K
Reserved              321K       321K         0K
Extended (XMS)    129,984K    12,536K   117,448K
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Total memory      131,008K    12,919K   118,089K

Total under 1 MB      703K        62K       641K

Memory accessible using Int 15h         0K (0 bytes)
Largest executable program size       623K (637,904 bytes)
Largest free upper memory block        18K ( 18,032 bytes)
FreeDOS is resident in the high memory area.


 EMS driver not installed in system.

Memory Type        Total       Used       Free
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Conventional          639K        16K       623K
Upper                  64K        46K        18K
Reserved              321K       321K         0K
Extended (XMS)    129,984K    12,536K   117,448K
----------------  --------   --------   --------
Total memory      131,008K    12,919K   118,089K

Total under 1 MB      703K        62K       641K

Largest executable program size       623K (637,904 bytes)
Largest free upper memory block        18K ( 18,032 bytes)
FreeDOS is resident in the high memory area.

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