Hello again, every oneThank You, and again I am terribley sorry, no I am not a 
spammer,..at least by any intentional action, this is partly why I am so 
upset,..I shouldn't have reposted the "thing", but yea, don't try any of the 
links in it,...The thing that bothers me alot, is I have a lot of confidential 
info in my account, some messages ,with passwords, to a couple of forums,..I 
never dreamed this would happen, in the future, I need to copy what I want to 
save and keep it in the computer, not in my e-mail account. I think includeing 
contacts,..this would be safer,..  Santiago , Yes I changed my pass word, also 
found in a "login" record 2 logins,.._____4:08 PM  Yahoo! Mobile    Logged In ******4:08 PM     Yahoo! Mobile    Logged In  ********* Morroco,.--------------------- These are not my IPs, 
and I do not use mobile, and I am in Mexico, what worrys me, Did they just, 
send the spam to all or most fo my contacts, or did they
 also download all the info they could, Ie. old messages,etc,..How can I tell ? 
,this is why I had been trying to contact yahoo, but they are all but uselss,or 
helpfull, I know this is not a Dos,or FreeDos issue,.. So I won't be pursueing 
it, here any further,..But once again, I am extremely sorry about this, and, 
everyone, don't try the links,..in the earlier message!. The 2 below my name, 
yes, are my sites,..But actually I haven't checked them yet, since this is what 
I came home to after work,..I hope this "monster" did not also, get into 
them..(my sites)! I am useing Linux, now, not windows, So I don't think it 
originated in my computer, besides, how did my computer get to "Morrocco" ?From 


   For me it just redirects to some Russian site trying to sell male
enhancement pills. So yeah, it's spam.

Honestly, I don't think Garrison is a spammer, he's posted on-topic
here before. Who knows, maybe he got a virus, or somebody is spoofing
him (remember the fake Aitor?).

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 4:22 PM, Bernd Blaauw <bbla...@home.nl> wrote:
> Op 18-11-2011 23:10, Garrison Ricketson schreef:
>> http://laurabride.com
> This might be some suspicious link and/or spam, following the link
> presents an OK button which potentially isn't that healthy to people's
> Windows operating system and/or computer.


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 16:45:03 -0800 (PST)
From: Garrison Ricketson <garryricket...@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] 2. (no subject) (Garrison Ricketson)
To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hello, Aparrently my e-mail account has been "hacked", I apologize, for the 
inconvienence, ..?I did not send the message, shown below,...I don't know who 
did,??Hopefully I can resolve this soon, again I am sorry,..and Yahoo is 
abolutely no help,..Probabley I will be changeing my e-mail address.thanks?

>From Garry



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Message: 5
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 20:08:00 -0500
From: Santiago Almenara <almen...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] 2. (no subject) (Garrison Ricketson)
To: "freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net"
Message-ID: <-8075836273893531219@unknownmsgid>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Just change password

Sent from my iPhone

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End of Freedos-user Digest, Vol 543, Issue 1
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
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